Sunday, 12 May 2013

Why Reading is Good For You...

One day, I will have a room dedicated to books. What do they call that?! Oh wait...

And Why You Should Read MORE!

The facts are out there! It's GOOD for you to read! Your inner wellbeing is something that needs taking care of, and curling up with a warm drink and a good book is a fantastic was to do that.

It's actually been found in a study by a group of neurobiologists (no word of a lie) that blood flow is greatly improved to your brain, when even just leisurely reading. This means greater attention and oxygen flow to your brain!

I would argue that reading is a way of expanding your mind. Each writer will have his own vocabulary, his own imagination, his own worlds he wants you to explore. You just have to crack open a book! Apart from the fact you pick up tid-bits of knowledge when reading! Books make you a generally more rounded and interesting person.

Reading has also been suggested to mental health patients, as a form of therapy, as it help reduce stress, and de-centralize from the issues in your own mind.

There you have it. A short but sweet post on why reading really is good for you, and you should incorporate more books into your life!

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